Mason Smith

Recent Posts

Trademark Policy for Lead Generators: Google's New Rules

Recently, Google updated their trademark guidelines to restrict the use of trademarks by lead generators. If you work with lead generation partners, they are no longer allowed to use your trademarks in paid search. And we believe this is a good thing.

Mason Smith
Nov 30, 2016

BrandVerity Rocks Curling

At BrandVerity, we make a concerted effort to recognize the individual and collective accomplishments of our team members. We work hard to create valuable services for our customers; and every once in awhile, we get to spend a little time together to celebrate that work. Thus enter curling.

Mason Smith
Jul 6, 2016

Notes from My AM Days Experience

It’s always hard to fully take in everything from a conference. There are so many people to meet, conversations to have, and things to learn, that it can be tough to retain everything. That’s why I always try to jot down some notes at the end of each day—just to keep reminders about what I learned and what happened over the course of the day. Here are some of the key points I remember from the recent Affiliate Management Days in San Francisco.

Mason Smith
Apr 8, 2014
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