New Geo-Targeting Features: Brand Protection Made Possible for Precision Compliance Coverage

Maura Newell Jan 25, 2021

BrandVerity ensures brand safety in key markets with geo-specific customized compliance coverage.

Our new geo-targeting feature is live! We're excited to combine specific compliance coverage with our broader monitoring to automate protection against fraudulent threats. We've put together this summary of the key enhancements we've made, and how it can help your paid search compliance strategy.

What is geo-specific targeting?

This geo-specific targeting makes it easier to pinpoint paid search threats, and target specific high-priority locations unique to your compliance program. We’ve made this enhancement in our solution to enable many of our customers who require tighter and more robust geo-targeting capabilities, especially business models such as franchises, insurance, mortgage, and other companies with high priority geo-specific markets.

Which locations does it apply to and how is it different?

The new features enable marketers to implement precision compliance management across:

  • 240 countries and territories
  • 2,300 states and provinces
  • 50,000 cities
  • 53,000 zip codes

With this addition, BrandVerity customers are now also able to:

  1. Monitor for partner compliance, including affiliates, in high value areas where incrementality is especially important.
  2. Unveil third party trademark abuse that could potentially tarnish the customer journey you’ve optimized for high priority customers. 
  3. Gain competitive insights and optimize ad spend per geography.

Can I see how it works?

To see our geo-targeting features, and how it can help protect you, request a demo here. As we continue to improve and innovate on our product features, we continue to ask our customers how we can help build a better solution and welcome your feedback. 

Our own VP of Customer Success, Georgia Gier, said it best;

“We uncover risks that are quite difficult for our customers to manually identify, therefore they see tremendous value not only in brand protection software, but in time efficiency and cost savings. One of the major strengths of our solution has always been its breadth, and since many customers want to drill deeper in monitoring compliance in specific geographies, we’re thrilled to now offer solutions that map directly to their needs. ”

We're happy to show you how geo-targeting can work for you, book a demo here and let's customize your paid search monitoring program together.



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